Following God's calling, with Lindsey Barber | E17

In this episode of On the Move, our host Leanne White talks with Lindsey Barber.

Lindsey represents a vibrant and growing population of young Christians who are zealous for the Lord and are ready to see His kingdom come.

Gen Z, the generation born between 1997 and 2013, is often known for their use of technology, their social activism, and markedly low religious association. But Lindsey, along with countless other followers of Christ, is contending that this younger generation would be marked by devotion to Christ above anything else.

In this episode:
- How Lindsey made her faith her own
- Her experience at the Circuit Rider's YWAM Disciple Training School (DTS)
- The importance of discipleship and evangelism


Connect with Leanne on LinkedIn or via email at

On the Move is created by 21C International, a Christian, non-profit ministry created to encourage, equip, and empower Christian church leaders in the global south. Learn more about how we're bringing Biblical training to pastors around the world at

Following God's calling, with Lindsey Barber | E17
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